Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reiki Clinic of Houston

Reiki is a Japanese word which means "spiritually guided universal life force energy". It's a gentle yet super powerful healing modality which conducts high frequency cosmic healing energy from the spiritual planes. This high frequency energy is then channeled into the patient to heal the physical, emotional, mental, and soul levels of one's being.
Reiki is an energy healing system which was established in the early 1920's in Japan and was a popular alternative healing method among the Japanese at the time. This mystical healing energy originally came into existence via spiritual transmission to a Buddhist monk, Dr. Mikao Usui while undertaking his quest for spiritual enlightenment on the sacred Mt. Kurama Yama. Shortly before the breakout of World War II, Reiki left Japan and was brought to the West where Reiki's western roots was first planted in Hawaii. Since then Reiki had traveled throughout America and the world, spread from continent to continent, has healed and saved countless lives. Reiki is probably the most recognizable and widely practiced energy healing modality in the world today and has been used for all health conditions in private settings as well as conventional medical establishments including hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice care.
Reiki is not limited to healing only the physical body. Reiki works on all levels of our being including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Therefore, Reiki is super powerful for emotional and trauma healing, for any personal challenges or life situations whether it's relationship, financial, career, and so on. The application of Reiki healing is limitless.
What Reiki can help
Challenging, unmitigated health issues
Pain relief
Chronic or acute stress
Energy clearing and balancing
Recharge energy, boost immune system
Fertility, pre and post natal support
Grief healing and release
Emotional and trauma release, PTSD
Clear chakras 1 – 15 and above
Dysfunctional behavior
Social anxiety, maladjustments
Fear, phobias, paranoia
Womb trauma, from conception to delivery
Feeling stuck, can't move forward in life
Hypersensitivity, physical and emotional
Boundaries problem
Psychic attacks
Vulnerability, need protection
Past life work
Powerful opener of heart center
Develop compassion, sensitivity, empathy
Expand intuitive capability
Accelerate spiritual growth
Major life transition or crisis
Relationships, finances
Excellent for animals and children
And much more..
How does Reiki work
Reiki is administered with the patient lying comfortably on a table and the therapist gently places one's hands on the areas of the body where intended for Reiki energy to transmit.
This is a comfortable and deeply relaxing process. The patient is not required to do anything more than being open to receive the energy and to be healed.
Once Reiki energy enters the patient's energy field, healing starts to take place at the physical, emotional, mental, and/or soul level where imbalances or afflictions reside.
This simple yet profoundly powerful modality heals and catalyzes transformations deeply to the root of problems.
It is common to experience non-ordinary psychic, energetic states or non-ordinary physical responses during a Reiki session. Reiki is high frequency cosmic healing energy from the spiritual planes and when entering your energy field it can cause you to travel to and from different states of consciousness, experience deeper brain frequencies such as alpha or theta level, or have temporary out-of-body experience. Energetic phenomena are a normal part of Reiki transference and are absolutely safe. Once a Reiki session ends, the psychic or energetic experiences also end and you will return to your normal mental and physical states. Many clients wished that they could stay in their wonderful Reiki states forever...
Reiki is a safe, gentle, and effective energy healing modality which works well for people of all ages, children, animals, personal or world situations.
Reiki can be administered in person or over a distance. Reiki energy transcends space and time and is able to reach anyone, anywhere in the world. Distance healing is as effective as in person.