Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reiki Clinic of Houston

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki
Levels I & II
Practitioner Course
We offer Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki practitioner course for levels I & II. Our mission is to produce skilled, competent, and knowledgeable healers in the Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki tradition.
If you feel a calling or have a strong desire to become a healer, our doors are open and inviting you to enter a powerful mystical healing path tracing back to Christ, Buddha, and beyond.
Brief history of Usui Reiki
Usui Reiki is an energy healing system established in Japan around April 1922 by a Buddhist monk named Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is a mystical healing energy that was spiritually transmitted to Dr. Mikao Usui while he was undertaking his quest for spiritual enlightenment on Mount Kurama Yama in Kyoto, Japan. After having received his Reiki transmission, Dr. Mikao Usui began healing and teaching Reiki widely throughout Japan. However up until 1937, Reiki was known and practiced only in Japan.
A pivotal point in Reiki's history came shortly before World War II. Due to the imminent threat of World War II looming large over Japan and the rest of the world, Reiki left Japan and was brought to the United States where Reiki's Western roots was first planted on the Kauai Island of Hawaii in 1937. Since then, Usui Reiki healing system began traveling far and wide throughout the islands of Hawaii, the Americas, and four corners of the Earth and has healed countless lives as well as produced hundreds of thousands of Reiki healers all over the world. Usui Reiki (named after its founder) is the original Reiki that emigrated out of Japan. It is immensely popular and widely practiced in the United States and worldwide.
In the past decades, Reiki has evolved and several adaptations or extensions of Usui Reiki emerged to give more healing power and efficiency of use to the Reiki modality, as well as to better serve humanity and the world which have also gone through their own evolutionary changes.
What is Holy Fire Reiki
Holy Fire® Reiki is a system of Reiki healing based on the Holy Fire energy. Mentioned in the Bible, Holy Fire energy has been active in the world since ancient times.
Holy Fire® Reiki first came into existence in January 2014 as a result of a series of encounter and channeling sessions between Jesus Christ and Mr. William Rand, a preeminent Usui Reiki Master and Teacher. From the channeled information given to Mr. William Rand, we understand that Holy Fire energy comes directly from God Consciousness through Jesus Christ. According to Mr. William Rand, "While Jesus was the Spiritual Master who introduced Holy Fire® Reiki, Jesus is part of a group called Brothers and Sisters of the Light. This group is a combined force of all Illumined Beings (Ascended Masters) from whom all the world religions and spiritual paths originated. Previously these Illumined Beings were in the formless world but came into the world of form so They could assist us in the development, teaching, and use of Holy Fire® Reiki for healing humanity and our planet Earth."
Since its emergence in 2014, Holy Fire® Reiki has gone through two additional upgrades. Second version of Holy Fire® Reiki was upgraded in the later part of 2015. On September 21, 2018 Holy Fire® III Reiki came into existence on the same Mount Kurama Yama, the birthplace of Reiki where Dr. Mikao Usui first received his Reiki transmission almost a century ago. Holy Fire® III Reiki is the third and last upgrade of the Holy Fire® Reiki system.
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki is essentially a fusion of traditional Usui Reiki healing system and Holy Fire® III energy.
Our Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki course gives you traditional Usui Reiki training plus the added power of Holy Fire energy. This combination produces greater healing power, quicker results, and allows facility with its usage and application for healing and teaching. These are the wonderful benefits that you get from taking Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki training.
Benefits and applications of Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki course
Establish Reiki as your professional vocation.
If you currently work in the healing, counseling, or medical profession, Reiki is an excellent adjunct for your work and will arm you with powerful healing tools to help your clients.
This course is also open to anyone who has had prior Reiki attunement to upgrade and enhance their Reiki practice with the Holy Fire energy.
Self-healing for health or any life issues.
Heal family, friends, your local community, world situations.
Heal your pets, home, work, finances, relationships, and any areas of your life that need healing or clearing.
Use Reiki for physical and energetic protection.
Assist past life work and release.
Spirit attachment release.
Reiki enhances spiritual inner work and quickens progress.
Give healing over a distance anywhere throughout the world as Reiki transcends space and time.
And much more...
Is Reiki practitioner course for you?
Anyone who is interested in developing a career as a healer, enhancing one's current work in the healing field, or working on deep inner-self healing and spiritual development is highly encouraged to invest in Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki practitioner course.
Whether your goal is personal or professional, Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki course levels I & II will give you very powerful tools and knowledge to heal yourself and others for any health issues, any life situations or challenges, and to accelerate your intuitive and spiritual development.

Interested in a personal consultation for this course?
We want you to feel confident that our Reiki practitioner course is the right fit for you. We would be happy to meet with you in person and discuss any questions or concerns that you may have about the course or the Reiki practice. Contact us now to schedule an appointment. Your consultation is free of charge.
Course Fees:
Levels I & II $395
This is the full course for both first degree and second degree Reiki training. Course includes history and principles of Reiki, attunement for levels I & II with Holy Fire activation, and hands-on practice. Course is held over two days. If you've never had Reiki training before, this is the course for you. Course details
Level II $215
This course is second degree Reiki training, includes principles of Reiki level II, attunement level II with Holy Fire activation, and hands-on practice. This course is held over one day. You must have had first degree Reiki training to be qualified for this course. Course details
Re-attunement $155
This is a refresher course for anyone who has had both first degree and second degree Reiki and want to have a course review and re-attunement, or to upgrade one's Reiki with Holy Fire activation. Course includes attunement for levels I and II with Holy Fire activation, hands-on practice, review of Reiki principles and clinical / business practice. Course is half-day long. Course details
A deposit is required to reserve the course once your application is approved. Deposit is 40% of the course fee and must be paid no later than 7 days prior to the first day of class. Refund policy
Course Dates 2025:
To get started, please click on the Register link below and fill out the course application. We will be in touch with you once we received your application.
March 15-16, Levels I & II
Registration closed
April 19, Level II
April 20, Re-attunement
Register - Deadline Apr 9
May 17-18, Levels I & II
Register - Deadline May 7
June 21, Level II
June 22, Re-attunement
Deadline for registration Jun 11
July 19-20, Levels I & II
Deadline for registration Jul 9
August 16, Level II
August 17, Re-attunement
Deadline for registration Aug 6
September 20-21, Levels I & II
Deadline for registration Sep 10
October 18, Level II
October 19, Re-attunement
Deadline for registration Oct 8
November 15-16, Levels I & II
Deadline for registration Nov 5
December 20, Level II
December 21, Re-attunement
Deadline for registration Dec 10