Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reiki Clinic of Houston

Reiki distance healing
A unique feature of Reiki is its ability to travel over a distance. No matter where a person is in the world, Reiki can reach a person even thousands of miles away. Distance Reiki is especially useful for the following situations,
When someone can't receive in-person healing due to long distance or lack of time
Reiki practitioners are not available in one's local area
Physical or mental limitations due to health conditions
Critical health issues or life situations that require daily healing
When working with children and animals as it can be difficult for them to be physically still for an extended period of time in a healing session
Distance Reiki has been proven to produce phenomenal results. If a person can't come to Reiki, Reiki can go to the person. This is the beauty and power of distance Reiki.
How Reiki distance healing works
We do all the work on our end. You don't have to do anything, go about your daily activities as normal.
Every day we send Reiki energy to you. Reiki reaches your energy field within seconds and will activate healing within you.
Distance healing must be done every day, minimum five days required.
To send healing we need only the recipient's name, location, and the issues needed healing.
The duration of healing varies depending on the issues. This and any other details about what you can expect with distance healing will be discussed in the initial consultation.
When the period of healing ends, we will contact you for an update and reevaluation.