To cancel an appointment, kindly notify us 24 hours in advance. Notice given less than 24 hours is considered late.
Patient will be charged for late cancellations and no shows. We make exceptions for unexpected emergencies, commuting difficulty due to hazardous weather conditions, or if an appointment is initiated within the 24-hour time frame.
Fees for late cancellation and no show:
$40 - length of appointment less than 90 minutes
$55 - length of appointment 90 minutes or more
No refund for payment of rendered services.
No refund, no return, no exchange for opened products.
Unopened products in good and resalable condition are returnable within 30 days from the purchase date. If the original payment was made by a credit or debit card, we will deduct the card transaction fee from the refund amount.
No refund for shipping cost or any other surcharges.
No return or exchange for any rare herbs that we cannot resell.
Payment for all services rendered, products, or any other charges and fees is due at the time of visit or when billed.
All fees and charges are subject to change at any time.
No refund and no return for gift certificates.
Gift certificates are redeemable for services or products only.
Alcohol and drugs are contraindicated for acupuncture treatment.
We will deny treatment to anyone who is under the heavy influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the appointment.
Privacy Policy
All personal and financial information of our clients that is transmitted on this website is protected and intended only for communication and fulfilling transactional or service requests between our clients and Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture including our affiliated service providers Wix, Formsite, and PayPal.
When you provide your personal information to Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture, you voluntarily consent to the collection, use, processing, transfer, or disclosure of your data by Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture and our affiliated service providers. Your information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other third party for any reason other than to facilitate and fulfill the transactional or service request(s) that you make on Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture website and/or our affiliated service providers' sites.
All photos and images on this website are copyrighted. The use or reproduction of any photos or images on this website for commercial purposes by any unauthorized person or entity is unlawful and prohibited.
All written content on this website is copyrighted. The use or reproduction of any part of this website's written content for commercial purposes by any unauthorized person or entity is unlawful and prohibited.
The use of Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture website including product purchases and service requests is not intended for anyone under 18 years of age. If you believe that a minor might have purchased herbal products or requested services on this website, please inform us immediately.