Chinese herbal medicine
Throughout the long history of Chinese medicine, herbs have always been an important and indispensable conjunct therapy with acupuncture. In the Chinese medicine system, acupuncture and herbs go hand in hand, like a marriage.
Many treatments at our clinic include herbs. There are conditions that require herbs, for acupuncture alone is not sufficient to produce the desired healing effects.
Most Chinese herbs are safe, powerful, and get the job done without adverse side effects or long-term damage to health.
Although there are some toxic herbs, most Chinese herbs are very safe. At our clinic, we never use toxic herbs.
All our herbs are plant-based, suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Our herbs are sourced from China, rigorously tested and manufactured under strict quality control practices, and in compliance with industry standards and FDA regulations.
In prescribing herbs, we monitor our patients closely to prevent potential herb-drug interactions. Most patients can safely take Chinese herbs concurrently with their pharmaceutical medications under the directives and supervision of a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist.